The Signal Processing for Media Applications (Sigmedia) Group is a research group in the Department of Electronic and Electrical Engineering at Trinity College Dublin.
We explore problems that involve visual or audio digital media. Evolving from expertise in digital signal processing, we create solutions based on a healthy mix of statistics, probabilistic inference, and applied mathematics. The team operates in well-recognised domains: computer vision, image/video/audio processing, and speech and language understanding. There are three main themes:
We are well known for our work on cinema post-production. Our motion and visual enhancement technologies (in collaboration with Foundry) were used around the world for film post production in movies like The Matrix, Lord of the Rings, X-Men, Spider-Man, and Harry Potter. This work was recognised by the Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences in 2007 with a Scientific and Engineering Oscar award.
Sigmedia researchers have been involved with many EU projects over the years (i3dpost, MOUMIR, PRESTOSPACE) involving archives and broadcasters around Europe. We are currently involved in EU COST Actions IC1106 and IC1105. A number of our current projects are funded by Science Foundation Ireland, IRCSET, and Enterprise Ireland. We have collaborated closely with Industry, including Google/YouTube, DTS, Huawei, Lightstream Animation, and Foundry. The group has had a close association with Prof. Frank Boland's Audio, Acoustics and Music Research Group, with many joint projects.